The 6th Suzhou Jinji Lake Biennale opens


The 2023 (6th) Suzhou Jinji Lake Biennale opened in SIP on Apr 15, and will last till June 25.

The Suzhou Jinji Lake Biennale, first held in 2012, has showcased more than 5,000 works by over 1,500 domestic and overseas artists, attracting about 20 million visitors.

This year’s event, with renowned Chinese sculptor Wu Weishan serving as the academic director, comprises three theme exhibitions, one academic forum and 20 parallel exhibitions.

The 2023 edition is the biggest art exhibition in Suzhou in recent years. More than 2,000 works by over 100 artists from 17 countries including China, the United Kingdom, France and Japan are on display.

In addition to sculptures, installations, paintings, manuscripts and multi-media art, architecture, designs, stage plays, movies and TV programs have been included in the exhibition program.

Notably, there are many works highlighting the local culture. The “Rainbow---A World from the Bridge” Contemporary Art Exhibition, for example, guides the visitors to explore the functional and aesthetic functions of Suzhou’s bridges and the symbolic meaning of bridge in Chinese culture.
